New Release Coming Soon -- PLAYDATE

I'm so excited to share this project with you soon! It's a duo project with Bay Area fiddler and concertina player Rebecca Richman, called Playdate. This project is one of those silver linings to emerge from that dark cloud of the pandemic. In that time of isolation, we became pod-mates, growing a rich musical connection and a blossoming friendship in between Covid exposures. Driving to each other’s homes as often as possible to sneak in a few tunes together in the safety of each other’s back gardens - a ritual we came to think of as making a playdate. For Marla, the pandemic offered an opportunity to dive deeper into writing tunes. And Rebecca was game to explore them together. Many of the tunes on the album commemorate the many losses of recent years, yet we hope to leave you with a feeling of optimism – we always felt better after a playdate!

Guest musicians:
Steve Baughman, gourd banjo
Maureen Brennan, harp
Christa Burch, bodhran
Jimmy Murphy, guitar
Lewis Santer, bouzouki
Daniel Steinberg, Piano
Bruce Victor, guitar

Release Date: January 17, 2025

Pre-release info coming soon!

Mandolin Master Class on

The wonderful Baron Collins-Hill invited me to provide a video master class on his fantastic instructional website. Check it out here:

Featured on Mandolins & Beer Podcast

The friendly, delightfully effervescent Daniel Patrick interviewed me about my new CD for the current episode of his Mandolins & Beer podcast.
WARNING: Contains geeky mando talk. ;-)
Check it out!

New CD Released January 2020!

I am thrilled to be releasing a new CD in January -- The Bright Hollow Fog. This CD is intimate and up close -- mostly simple mandolin / mandola duets, with some stunning guest appearances by Martin Hayes and Rebecca Richman on fiddle, Keith Murphy on mandola, Bruce Victor on guitar, and Steve Baughman on gourd banjo. I can't wait for you to hear it!

New Noctambule Release: A Sweetish Tune

Bruce Victor and I, a.k.a. NOCTAMBULE, have released a new album of *mostly* traditional Irish music. Check out www, for lots more info!
Available at:

Joining the Teaching Staff of Peghead Nation

I am delighted to be joining the teaching Staff of Peghead Nation online String School. Classes launch mid-March. Follow this link for more information, and to sign up for email updates. Join me!

New Noctambule release: THE WAKING

Noctambule - my duo with guitarist and husband Bruce Victor - is releasing a new CD entitled: THE WAKING. Available through CDBaby now! See for more info

Interview in Six Water Grog blog

Lanny Fields, a mandolin and tenor banjo player based in Ashland, VA interviewed me for his blog. Check it out!

Wonderful new review of Noctambule

The reviewer really dug in about the poetry, and particularly about Robert Service. Very gratifying to see!

Glowing reviews for Noctambule: Travel in the Shadows

We have been honored by some tremendous reviews of late. Here are some links for your reading pleasure!

Folkworks Interview

Annette Siegel from Living Tree Music took time out at this years Mandolin Symposium to interview me!

Noctambule - Travel in the Shadows is released!

I am proud and happy to announce the release of Noctambule: Travel in the Shadows. This new CD is about ‘night journeys’ - adventures and explorations of the night. Bruce Victor and I have set poetry by Neruda, Service, Roethke, Tennyson and Millay to original music. Our settings are rendered on mandola, mandolin, bouzouki, and acoustic guitars, and our two voices. More info at

Folkworks reviews my Instructional DVD!

Folkworks - the site for trad music info in Southern CA - has published a very nice review of my instructional DVD - Irish Mandolin Basics; Tunes and Technique. Check it out!

Review Click Here

'Mandolin for Dummies' Released!

My friend Don Julin authored this fine tome, and I am honored to be his consultant for Chapter 11 -- Travelling to the Emerald Isle: Irish Mandolin

Instructional DVD - now available!

I am thrilled to announce the availability of my first Instructional DVD, entitled:

Marla Fibish
Irish Mandolin Basics - Tunes and Technique

The DVD gives practical instruction on right and left hand technique, rhythm, phrasing and musicality, taught through nine session-friendly traditional tunes. Each tune is first played at a lively tempo, then taught phrase-by-phrase shot close-up, and finally played three times through at a moderate practice pace.

They sell for $30, plus shipping (if applicable). Contact me to order...

Fiddlefreak Review of The Morning Star!

Review Click Here

Folkworks Review of The Morning Star!

Click Here

An Art Show for the Grandmothers Opening

An original installation that includes one of my pieces, in the heart of Oakland's Art Murmur gallery district. Opening Friday, Sept. 2 6:00 - 9:00. See events page for details

Airplay for The Morning Star on RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta!

Cuireadh Chun Ceoil Radio Show

LiveIreland review of The Morning Star

Bill Margeson reviews The Morning Star for!

The Morning Star is an absolutely stunning all-instrumental album from Marla Fibish and Jimmy Crowley....
Click Here

Mandolin cafe review!

The Morning Star is a new mandolin-family recording of Irish music by the Bay Area's Marla Fibish and Ireland's prominent instrumentalist (and vocalist) Jimmy Crowley.

Mandolin Cafe Review

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